Live Video Call Personal Training

Live Video Call Personal Training

from $50.00

This training option will allow you to work personally, with a BSP coach on your schedule. Each week, you will meet on a video call with a coach to walk you through your personalized program.

$50/ session

$400/ 10 sessions!

# of sessions:
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There are times that we need to have a coach with us throughout a training session. It is important for accountability, technique, and to have someone to help us get that extra rep. This training opportunity is for that individual.

Here, we will sit down to discuss your training history, injury history, and goals. From there we will design a schedule based on your availability to hold a Zoom video call for your training session. In this call we will go through your training session in its entirety from warm up to cool down. We will help to ensure that you are going through everything just as you need to and make any adjustments in real time.

Let us come along side you and do some of the heavy lifting.

Let’s get started!